• Kill Africa


    Kill Africa, she isn’t worth the headache

    loot her mines, plunder her graves, dam her waters,

    her people are barbaric savages, they couldn’t care less.


    Kill Africa,

    maim her fathers, blind her mothers, and orphan her children,

    they won’t bat an eyelash, servitude is their last name.


    Kill Africa,

    rape her women, abuse her children, send the young into battles,

    create child soldiers from innocence,

    freedom is after all, what we are after.


    Kill Africa,

    the man with the most coin will shed the most blood,

    the man with the least coin will spill all of his.


    Kill Africa,

    export her talent, seduce her dreams, stain her visions,

    promise her dictatorship in the guise of democracy.


    Kill Africa,

    curse her heritage, disregard her culture, shame her traditions,

    ignore her yearnings.


    Kill Africa,

    and while she is gasping for breath, stomp on her chest,

    puncture the oxygen bag, and watch her die.

    a slow death is most befitting for her, don’t you think?


    Kill Africa, she’s not worth the headache.

    P.S. This piece, or poem, whichever you prefer, is a measure of everything I felt when I heard about the killings going on in Congo. Add to that the state of shittiness Nigeria is currently in, and the attacks on Anglophones in Cameroon, you'll probably feel what I felt, and what I still feel. Africa is teetering on a precarious edge, God help us all.

    God bless Africa, and may Africans come to realize that only Africans can heal Africa.

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