• Twenty and Lethargic: When You Can No Longer Can


    If you're reading this, it means I am dead. 

    Not the physical kind of death that ends in a funeral and you lying six feet under. This is more of a "do what you like, I wish I could care, but I don't" kind of situation. And, no it is nobody's fault. it is nobody's fault that life often seems skewed in one direction, and you are on the receiving end. It is nobody's fault that you don't understand why you can't wish something into existence. And wish some other things out of existence. I still think fairytales should be banned forever, all that Cinderella and Peter Pan nonsense.

    Anyway, I am not going to talk about the recent happenings in the sphere that is my life. What's the use of using an iPhone if you can only use it in the 400 X 400 space that is your house? And why have neighbours since all they do is complain and complain because your generator is on for most of the day? But you have to make sure Baba Landlord's phone is charged, else you will get a visit from our friendly neighbourhood watch. 

    Hypocrisy has sewn a three-piece suit, complete with a hat and walking stick. And he is gracing the magazine covers. You can't stop his shine! You know how you are promised a toy at Christmas if you are good, well, that's our state now. What we both know, however, is that you are never getting that toy. Haha! we can't help but hope, can we? Hope, my friend, hope. That is the only thing that fuels our struggles now. 

    But, wait. Will our struggles ever end? Or will we have to move to another country and bemoan our woes from there, safely ensconced in our rented apartment and shouting " I am an African, too!" I think not. P.S. If you can move, please move.

    Anyways, this is my own contribution to the menace that is our society. Take what you can, but do not misinterpret it. I love you, no matter how apathetic I sound. 

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    1 comment:

    1. I lack the strength to even lament right now, this comment is lethargic itself.
