Make a fist, 
    Tuck your thumb in,
    Punch the bag.
    Do it again and again.
    Boss the bag into submission.
    Do it on your terms.

    On your terms, my dear.
    On your terms.
    Sometimes, you'll find that control is wrestled out of your hands, and that you cannot make a grab for it.
    Fear not, make a grab for it.
    Keep it under you, grapple for your terms.

    You may suffocate under pressure.
    Perhaps you already do.
    Maybe your turn is around the corner.
    Whatever you do, make sure it is on your terms.

    If the line is being drawn, ensure that your chalk is used.
    Make sure that your crayons paint the picture.
    And that your glue holds the pieces together.
    Do it on your terms, my dear.

    If you let the others decide for you,
    If you let fate knock you about,
    You may find that you are indeed unlucky,
    And you may taste regret earlier than you would like.

    Do it on your terms, my dear.
    Not recklessly because you do not care about your mother or father; or have no regard for the ones that have held your hand in the large basket with tiny holes that is appropriately named Life.
    Do it with kindness and their support, if and when you can get it.
    But do it on your terms.

    You can deal with the consequences freely, and happily.
    Or not.

    That one came out of nowhere!
    My hiatus is over, thank God!
    I apologize again for staying away, my fatherland called and I had to answer. But I am back and the stories are flying around!
    And this piece didn't actually come out of nowhere. A friend and I were talking about Freddie Mercury of Queen and his sad demise, and his approach to death, and voila! 

    Let me know what you think in the comments section!

    P.S. You could listen to Who Wants to Live Forever by Queen, to get the context properly.

    This photo belongs to PNW Production on Pexels.
    I saw it and liked it.

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