The alarm screams in the cold of pre dawn.
Smack, scramble, scatter, fingers find purchase.
Groan. Groan. Groan.
The sheets rustle and toes step on the cold tile gingerly, lips cursing as they go.
The rush of water from a shower head.
Off key singing.
Carefully laid out clothes, a white shirt, black trousers, navy blue shoes.
Spritz! Spritz!
Such expensive perfume, a fake original.
The mirror shows sleekness, quality and expensive shiiiii.
The alarm screehes this time. It is jarring on the ears.
Toilet paper, wallet, lipstick, hairbrush, slides, sunshades, pens, a chocolate bar, a lighter. The bag will take more, Louis Vuitton made it so.
The door shuts, a quiet thud in the predawn darkness.
Click, clack, click, clack.
The gateman hears and opens the gate. His teeth are yellow and his breath smells like old fufu and plenty of palm oil. He watches as the gate closes.
The sky is purple now, and a buzz is rising.
Doors slam open and shut, children cry in protest, mothers pet and scold and whisper-yell.
Splash, dodo is for lunch.
Clatter, spoons, flasks and pot covers hit the dirty floors.
Rush, the scramble to pick up, to wash, to iron, to keep up.
Slippers fly, hands land with precision on backs.
Soup is spilled.
And there is to be a bloodletting.
Bus and driver, conductor and passengers.
An ugly medley.
The city is in an uproar.
The sky is a pale blue now.
Those who sleep are now awake, yawning, stretching and rubbing eyes, not ready to face the day.
The End
Tired, I am.
Yet, write I must.
Such aggressive yawns.
Whew, forgive me.
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Photo by Levent Simsek on Pexels
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