Why do babies cry so loud?
Was I a tiny baby too?
Did I poop a lot?
Why did you marry daddy?
I don't want siblings, I'd have to share my toys with them.
Mummy didn't listen to me, she gave me boy siblings. They're called brothers. I call them the reasons I'm going to die a miserable death at 9 years.
Why do I have to wear that to church?
Does she look prettier than me?
Why did that woman look at you like that?
Why do I have to go to the children's section?
Why can't I sing in the big church?
Why do I have to monitor my brothers?
They never listen to me!
I think I'm old enough to visit my friends, don't you?
Why do I have to take them with me?
Why should I not hang with the boys?
But they're my classmates!
I think I like Micheal?
No, it's Oduns I like?
Why do I have to pretend to not know more than my classmates?
Even the seniors are a dumb lot.
Why do they call me ajebo?
I can ride tyres too!
Why does everyone assume I'm good at maths and think that my mom is a pastor?
What's this one saying?
How does he get all the girls to listen to him?
Can they not see how ugly he is?
I bet he doesn't even know where Moldova is.
What does this one know about sex?
Why should this older person be pestering my life?
I'm a small child o!
Abi is it because of my early blooming characteristics?
Can boys sniff out girls that have started seeing their period?
Is that truly a thing?
I'm attracted to fine boys that smell nice and have great legs with plenty brains.
Do I try to fit in with the rest of the class?
So what if I'm bossy?
What do they think of me?
Am I so bad?
I'm trying my darnedest to not be judgemental, but people!
My jaw is dropping on a daily basis.
Is it true she only passed because she was his niece?
Why aren't the boys noticing me?
Should I really be bothered about that?
My crew is a motley one.
A tangled web, that's the best way to describe it.
School is hard!
Did I feel sad today?
I think I cried when nobody was looking.
Is it so hard to be normal?
What is normal sef?
It is relative, no?
Oh, well.
Us, pedestal folks will stick to our stands.
I like Corinthian pillars sha.
What am I going to do with my life?
Hey, God.
I'm back, and I'm waving.
Where am I going from here?
The End.
There folks.
A very summative summary of all of my years on earth.
Yes, this isn't fiction.
And I'd appreciate it if we kept this between us.
I found this photo on Pexels.
It belongs to MALENS, awesome portfolio he has.
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