Have you ever cried on
your birthday? Not happy tears because the display of love is so much, you are
fairly drowning in it. I am talking about big, fat tears that come with an ugly
cry and plenty of pain. If you haven’t, you’re probably one of the few lucky
people on earth, who are not afflicted with the “birthdays are gloom days”
No, birthdays aren’t
all that bad. There are calls, texts, pictures, posts on the gram, tears, and
cake! Never leave out the cake. And there’s also the bittersweet reminder that
you’re getting older, and if you’re an early twenty-something, your descent
into the adult world is not a dream. It is your new reality. Congratulations,
you are now an adult.
The very thought of
becoming an adult scared me so much, that for my 18th, 19th
and 20th birthdays, I nearly cried myself into depression. I did not
want to become an adult! There was nothing appealing about it! Just
responsibilities, and responsibilities, and responsibilities. I wasn’t eager to
explore anything, and no, I didn’t want the added pressure that is engineered by
a society that takes and takes from you, God bless us all. And so, I approached
each of those birthdays with a certain amount of dread.
My birthday is in
January, the second week of January, to be more precise. And for each of those
birthdays, starting from the 31st of the previous month, December,
that is, I’d count down the days with a sense of impending gloom. And I have no
idea why, (actually I do, you’d have to ask me personally). Maybe it is because
I have a very overwhelming sense of responsibility, and so, becoming a legal
adult just made that trait all the more overwhelming, who knows? Anyways,
birthdays for me were bittersweet those years, and I hid it well.
Now, not many people
suffer from this, but I think that with the increasing pressure on twenty-somethings to make something of themselves, and quite early, I might add, you
may just have felt or do feel what I felt. I still feel the same way,
sometimes, if things aren’t working out the way I want, but I have learned to
not let it control me. Sadness isn’t funny, and it does have a way of messing
with your thought process.
So, I had to learn to
not think of the cons of adulting as anything more than cons. And that helped a
lot. Who knew you could revel in some negatives? Haha. And so, birthdays became
days for me to read texts and posts on social media, have copious amounts of
fun, and have a bloody good time, counting my blessings all the way! You, dear
reader, are a part of my blessings too. I look forward to my next birthday, I
feel good about it too!
Hey, chin up and wide
Happy Birthday Baby Queen. Soar.