You have misjudged me. Yes, you just snorted in disapproval and one thought ran foremost in your mind, dear reader.

    " I thought she was cynical and didn't like the dude, she's all talk and no action. "
    That is true, I did say I was cynical and this man's attitude when we first met had bolstered it, but then, that day with Lanre revealed another side to me I thought I had successfully suppressed. I liked a man to be dominant, a take-charge kind of guy and this guy had just blown me out of the water, I found myself helpless, unable to fight all the feelings that were suddenly coursing through me, and so I had gotten into the car. So, dear reader, do you understand now? Do you understand why I seemed indecisive and weak-willed? This did cost me a lot as you are soon to find out. Years down the line when I first started seeing a therapist, she said I had had little to no control over my emotions and my emotions had, for the most part, influenced every single decision I had made concerning this man. Now, you wonder, who is this man? Why are we always going back to him? We already know he's good-looking, he's got loads of money and has a deep baritone, so what about him?
      I'll start with his name. His family was very influential, I didn't even know how much, until later, much later. His great grandfather had been one of the first men to be educated by the British when they came to Port Harcourt, and he had taken an English name, Wellington. To this day, I do not like the name, Wellington. And then, the family had been smart enough to make money during the oil boom and had the brains to expand the business into the large conglomerate it is today. They had their fingers in every pie, you name it: real estate, tourism, investment banking, telecommunications, ICT; they were there. It was why most people said that if you wanted a business to yield large returns in the shortest possible time, place a Wellington at the helm of affairs. Their family was a proud one, not arrogant, but proud and Damian Wellington was no exception.
      Damian Wellington was the very embodiment of masculine perfection, gentlemanly charm, and brains. In the corporate world, he was known as ' The Shark ', he closed every major deal and took somewhat risky but highly profitable decisions, that earned him a reputation for being very cunning. He could sniff out loopholes in any contract and effectively manipulate it to suit himself. He was on every list; Forbes, Business Day, Top Ten most Eligible Bachelors, and any other list you can think of. He, to put it, was The Guy, and when I met him, I was drawn into a world I had no idea existed, books and movies do not do this world justice, it's bloodier than you think and there is no black or white, only gray.

    Alright then!!
    We finally have the name to the guy🎆🎉🎉📣
    So, what do you think?
    Let us know!
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    1. Well from the story line I can figure it out the girl I'm question has not really felt love as the way she has felt it before..... And this guy been so wealthy don't to abused it on her or have an advantage over her but show her this love and attention and the girl is totally at peace with him.....

      1. Hmmmmmmmmmm.
        Interesting opinion.
        Let's see how it plays out

    2. Hmm I hope she don't use her past to affect her future decision considering the fact her emotional state.

    3. hmm.. Damian Wellington. Keep it cammingggg...nice write-up peace!

    4. Thank you so very much, dahlin!
      There's more coming

    5. This writing is well structured.. Great write up. it's intriguing.

    6. Thank you so very much, kind sir😁😁
